How We Can Help
Common foot issues
Take a look at the common foot skin and nail problems experienced by our clients and how we can help you get back on your feet.
Callus is a build-up of hard skin. It can initially begin growing as a protective mechanism to prevent your foot from being rubbed. However, as the callus builds up it can get quite painful, and sometimes split causing cracks (or fissures) in the skin.
At Foot Factor Podiatry, the process to remove all of the excess callused skin from your feet is painless and it will leave you with smooth, healthy and pain-free feet. We will also discuss possible causes for the callus and what you can do at home to help reduce the callus building up. Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to rid your feet of callus’!
Heel cracks (Fissures) can be very painful at times. When our skin is healthy, it is flexible and expands. When our skin is dry or there is a lot of hard skin, it loses its flexibility.
When this happens, instead of expanding when we stand, the skin cracks, and this can be quite painful, especially when the cracks go deep into our healthy skin and bleeds.
At Foot Factor Podiatry, we can remove the hard and dry skin from your feet to relieve you from the pain of cracked skin. We will also discuss possible reasons why you are getting the cracks and what you can do at home to help prevent them in the future. Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to rid your feet of the pain caused from cracked skin!
Corns can be very painful areas on our feet. They are essentially a small ball of hard skin that grows initially as a protective mechanism. As the hard skin of the corn builds up it can become very painful and debilitating. In some instances, the pressure of the corn can cause the skin underneath the corn to ulcerate.
At Foot Factor Podiatry, the process to remove a corn is painless and the pain relief is instantaneous. We will also discuss the reasons for why you are getting corns and what you can do to help prevent them from growing. Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to rid your feet of the pain from corns!
NB: If you are using corn pads, please be aware that they contain an acid that burns the hard skin of the corn, but if the corn pad is larger than the corn, it could burn your good skin too.
Toenails: We have a lot of clients who come regularly to Foot Factor Podiatry to have their toenails trimmed. In some instances, the toenails are too hard to reach, too hard /thick to trim, or they are curved and difficult to manage. Other clients find they can’t see so well or their hands are no longer strong enough to trim the toenails themselves.
In any case, we have the correct tools for the job and are happy to be able to help!
At Foot Factor Podiatry, we can help you maintain a healthy toenail length. Make an appointment with one of our Podiatrists at Foot Factor Podiatry today to get help with your toenails.
Fungal toenails are a concern for many people. This condition can make your nails look unsightly and brittle. We can help to diagnose a fungal toenail and advise the best treatment to get your nails looking fabulous again.
Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to get help with your fungal toenail concerns!
Ingrown toenails can cause such a lot of pain for many people. They can occur if the nail is too wide for the toe, the nail is too curved (involuted) or from incorrectly cutting your toenails.
Despite what many people believe, cutting a “v” in the toenail does not actually help to get rid of an ingrown toenail, and if there is a nail growing into the skin, antibiotics may help with the resulting infection it causes, but won’t treat the problem.
At Foot Factor Podiatry, our specialists are trained to resolve the issue with the problem nail. Whilst this isn’t always a painless experience, we have specialist tools that make the procedure much more pleasant than it would be otherwise.
We will give you information on how to care for the toenail and how to prevent the nail from becoming ingrown again. In some instances, if the toenail is not the correct shape, we may have to discuss ingrown toenail surgery as the best long term option for you. Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to free yourself from the pain of ingrown toenails!
Ingrown toenail surgery: In some instances, some ingrown toenails are unable to be treated without surgery. This is when we discuss ingrown toenail surgery. Ingrown toenail surgery is something we can offer here in our clinical rooms and is performed under a local anaesthetic.
While there is a recovery period after the surgery, most people comment that the pain of their ingrown toenail is immediately reduced.
We recommend an appointment to discuss your suitability for the procedure and for you to get more details before booking the procedure.
Plantar warts (verrucae) can be very painful, depending where they are located on your feet. Warts are a virus, so with effective treatment, the virus (or wart) can be killed off. The problem with plantar warts is that they are on the bottom of your foot. Unlike other warts on our body, they tend to build up layers of hard skin over the top of them. This makes traditional wart treatments less effective as they need to penetrate the hard skin before getting to the wart.
At Foot Factor Podiatry, we trim off the hard skin before applying the wart treatment directly to the wart. This is a more successful process for removal of plantar warts. Make an appointment with Foot Factor Podiatry today to rid your feet of plantar warts.
Paraffin Foot Wax is a relaxing, intensive moisturizing treatment that comes with an extra long foot massage afterwards. If you are experiencing dry skin or cracked heels, this is a fabulous option. In most cases people choose this as an add on option with a Skin and Nail Solution treatment. We also find this is a go-to option for people who want to pamper someone special for birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
The warmth of the wax also helps to ease the pain people experience with arthritis and muscle strains.
This treatment is only available at our Springwood clinic.
Diabetes: If you have diabetes, it is extremely important to look after your feet. Diabetes can affect your feet in two ways.
Firstly it can affect your circulation, resulting in reduced blood flow down to your feet. This can result in sores and cuts on your feet taking longer to heal and being more prone to infection.
Diabetes can also affect the nerves in your feet. If this is the case, you may experience symptoms such as numbness, burning and pins and needles. A more severe result of nerve damage can be peripheral neuropathy where the nerve’s ability to detect injury can be compromised.
For example, a person may have a large piece of glass in their foot and experience no pain and therefore not know that there is an injury to their foot.
If someone is to have both their circulation compromised as well as peripheral neuropathy, the results can be devastating.
It is vital if you have diabetes, that you have your feet assessed on a regular basis. At Foot Factor Podiatry, we assess your blood supply, your sensation or feeling and skin integrity to determine your Diabetic Foot Risk to prevent foot complications from diabetes.
We are also able to provide foot care for those with diabetes. If you are having difficulty trimming your toenails and your diabetic foot risk is moderate or high, you are better to have an expert trim your toenails than risk cutting your feet whilst trying, or having long toenails cut into the toe next door or the other foot.
If you have a corn or callus and peripheral neuropathy, you can not rely on your nerves to tell you when your corn needs treatment as you may not feel the pain. This could lead to an ulcer developing underneath the corn, which could lead to further complications. We are here to help so book your appointment today.
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